Detect and understand changes in risk to in-force policies in your portfolio.
Planck’s Cognitive Business Analytics Platform helps carriers manage their in-force books by allowing real-time, up-to-date views into their exposure.
Reduce engineering and audit costs by spotting the businesses that require special attention.
Monitor the changes in your book to ensure optimal premium updates and collections.
How it works
Planck’s AI collects and processes all information regarding existing policies and returns audit recommendations according to any of the businesses’ exposure changes.
The carrier uploads a list of in-force policies with business names, addresses, and existing rating information to Planck’s Cognitive Business Analytics Platform.
Planck’s AI creates up-to-date insights and generates an audit recommendation following any of the covered businesses’ exposure changes.
The platform provides audit recommendations for any further required actions.
How it works
Planck automatically manages any existing customers’ exposure changes, helping determine actual exposure based on the latest data.